速報APP / 攝影 / Podo Camera (5MP, 2016+)

Podo Camera (5MP, 2016+)



檔案大小:27 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Podo Camera (5MP, 2016+)(圖1)-速報App

This app is for the Generation 2 Podo Camera (5MP 2016+ version).

*** For more information on the Podo camera and to purchase, visit www.podolabs.com ***

Use the Podo app to take photos, video, time lapse, and more!

Podo Camera (5MP, 2016+)(圖2)-速報App

Turn on and off your Podo wirelessly with the new Bluetooth Low Energy connection feature. Change photo and device settings, shooting modes, and preview your shots, all before you take them.

Once the photo is taken, transfer to your phone using the new Library and batch transfer system. The Library shows thumbnail previews of the photos on the Podo camera; select one or more to transfer them to your phone over Bluetooth whenever you're ready!

Sync multiple Podos to one phone and capture with all of them with a push! The Podo app supports up to 6 connections simultaneously.

Podo Camera (5MP, 2016+)(圖3)-速報App

Each update improves the functionality of the camera, so your Podo will keep getting better over time.

With Podo, what you capture is up to you and not the length of your arm!


Podo Camera (5MP, 2016+)(圖4)-速報App




Podo Camera (5MP, 2016+)(圖5)-速報App
